Public Education
Our Children’s Earth Foundation has always been primarily an advocacy organization, mostly staffed by lawyers and non-attorney J.D.s with expertise in enforcing environmental laws and advocating for necessary actions by environmental agencies to protect our shared resources.
Our organizational mission also includes an emphasis on public outreach and education, which we achieve through supporting films, planning and attending outreach events, forging strategic partnerships, and by creating and sharing resources with people and groups that are leading environmental advocacy efforts in their communities.
Now more than ever, concerned citizens and residents should communicate with officials in our legislatures and agencies, and urge them to take all possible steps toward protecting natural resources, public health, and the environment at large. Information is power, but far too often the legal and regulatory systems that we depend on for environmental protection are effectively closed off to the people they are meant to serve.
It is especially critical for people in communities impacted most heavily by pollution to be informed about environmental issues and how they can effectively engage with the legal and governmental systems that are in charge of protecting their local resources, ecosystems, and health. Working class people and people of color are by far the most impacted by pollution demographically, and children and seniors are the most vulnerable to suffer serious health problems related to pollution.
See below for informational resources, and if you have suggestions for educational materials to post here, please contact us!
Check out our social media pages for posts about upcoming educational events we plan to participate in, movie recommendations, recent news, and more.
Please contact us with suggestions for additional resources to post here, to share your stories, and to JOIN US as a member of Our Children’s Earth.
Environmental Integrity Project: Dirty Deception: How the Wood Biomass Industry Skirts the Clean Air Act (2018) [PDF]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act (2007) [PDF]
New York Public Interest Research Group Fund, Inc. and The Earth Day Coalition, Inc.: The Proof is in the Permit (2000) [PDF]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: AirNow National Air Quality Forecast [WEBSITE]
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Special Report on Global Warming 1.5 C Approved by Governments (2018) [WEBSITE]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Livestock’s Long Shadow (2006) [PDF] [WEBSITE]
United States Department of Agriculture, Climate Science Primer [WEBSITE]
Risky Business regional reports quantifying economic risks posed by a changing climate (2016) [WEBSITE]
NASA’s Earth Minute Series [VIDEO PLAYLIST]
Mom’s Clean Air Force: Climate Change and Children’s Health [WEBSITE]
World Health Organization: Cost of a Polluted Environment to Children’s Health (2017) [WEBSITE]
World Health Organization Infographic: Protecting Children from the Environment [PDF]
World Health Organization: Don't pollute my future! The impact of the environment on children's health (2017) [PDF]
World Health Organization: Inheriting a Sustainable World: Atlas on Children’s Health and the Environment (2004) [PDF]
Environmental Defense Fund: Asthma & Outdoor Air Pollution in the Latino Community [PDF]